Thursday, June 16, 2011

Missed The Bag

Missed The Bag
Referees are only there, in my opinion, to ensure the game is to be played fairly, not to change the outcome. Therefore, I never like calls that drastically alter the course of the game, especially if they can be avoided or aren't necessary. The Pitt-Butler game in this years tournament was rough since the refs altered the outcome, but this call takes the cake for worst of all time.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

USC Dynasty

It was only a six years ago that ESPN claimed USC was the greatest team of all time. They had already counted the 2005 national championship to run along with the 2003 split title and 2004 BCS championship. There seemed to be no end in sight for the fast moving train that was the Southern Cal's football program. However, last week the dynasty officially disappeared from history. The history books now will show zero championships for USC this century. 
This monumental change in how the previous decade of college football will be viewed in history drives me to question where USC's mid 2000 football teams should be placed in the grand scheme of things. They were undoubtedly some of the most talented teams in college football history, but they also only won one championship on the field. (2004, which has now been taken away) So, now where should ESPN place this team? Should they ever include them on greatest of all time lists or does this privilege get taken away with the title?

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Great Story

Paralyzed Player Gets Drafted By Rangers

I found this to be a great story. I have more respect now for the Rangers franchise than ever before.